Symetri opnår Bluebeam Platinum Sapphire Partner-status
Symetri er blevet tildelt Bluebeam Platinum Sapphire Partner-status – det højeste opnåelige niveau i Bluebeams partnerprogram.
Lotta Järvi is Head of Marketing for Symetri Technology unit at Symetri Group, currently working on taking our proprietary solutions into new territories. At the same time, Lotta and her team continue to help existing customers to work smarter and provide their Symetri colleagues the support they need to add meaningful value for customers.
In addition to being the largest Autodesk Platinum Partner globally, Symetri has a portfolio of solutions that have been developed in-house by our own software development team. These include Naviate, Sovelia, and CQ. Lotta, together with her product marketing team, is responsible for these brands. “It’s an interesting and fun role where it’s possible to leap outside my comfort zone – and that’s where the excitement lies”, says Lotta.
“My role involves every possible aspect of marketing to support our people with identifying how our products can add another dimension to their customers’ capabilities. There are new markets opening for us in Europe and now the US beckons. That’s our next big initiative”, says Lotta.
Lotta has been with Symetri for over ten years and says that not only is every working day different, but every year is too; always packed with activity, fresh projects, and challenges.
“Challenges, at Symetri, are always about excitement and never about nervousness, or fear of the unknown. That’s because everybody shares them, and supports you in your own endeavours. I think that’s why we get so much done, and why we’re always able to inspire our customers. It’s because, as a team - we inspire each other”.
“At Symetri, it's not uncommon to have colleagues around you who have been here for the same time or much longer as I have, over 10 years. I would say it's a sign that this is the sort of company you want to stay at” Lotta says, and continues “The culture at Symetri is all about trust. I’ve been given the freedom and the support to take my own career in the direction I’ve wanted it to go. Senior people trust you to work in the way that’s best for you.
That’s a great feeling, to be given that sort of confidence because what happens is that when you’re trusted, you want to justify it and continue to earn the trust. I think this is one of the reasons for Symetri’s success and why I still very much enjoy working here.”
Lotta also points out that Symetri is full of skilled, professional people who enjoy doing what they do well, and are relaxed to progress under their own steam. “There are no big egos at Symetri. It’s just not the way we are. We work together, everyone using their own skills, towards a common goal.”.
To balance things out, in her free time Lotta spends time at her cottage during summer months and on the slopes downhill skiing in winter. “It’s also fun and rewarding to be part of my daughter’s hobby, acting as her football team’s team manager and see these girls have fun together, on and off the pitch” Lotta says, and adds on “I love that I am able to these things and still advance my career, I’ve been able to create a good work-life balance”
An aspect of Symetri’s relationships with customers, is the commitment to being a long-term partner. “Our goal is always to try to find ways of helping customers to achieve their goals and find the right solutions to solve their challenges”, says Lotta.
In line with this way of thinking, Lotta is now part of a strategic project, in addition to her day-to-day role, focussing on helping our customers to work more sustainably.
“The goal of this project is to establish solutions to help companies focus on embodied carbon reduction, related to product and building lifecycle assessment, and produce the documentation or certifications required by the industries today”, she explains. “We’re looking to technology and services for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing sectors to make smarter material choices, for example, and drive more sustainable outcomes. This is a real chance to help customers make a difference and, once again, I am super-excited to have been trusted with being part of this global initiative together with colleagues across the company”.
This project, combined with both the global roll-out of Symetri technologies and the ongoing attention that Lotta gives to the Symetri portfolio, makes for a pretty full agenda for her.
“My work in a number of different areas, with so many diversely talented colleagues is very fulfilling and it means I wake up every day ready for testing out my comfort zone. That’s what I call loving your job”, says Lotta.
If you like the idea of working in an environment where new opportunities are always opening up for those who want to grab them, why not explore what Symetri can offer you?
Symetri er blevet tildelt Bluebeam Platinum Sapphire Partner-status – det højeste opnåelige niveau i Bluebeams partnerprogram.
Symetri ønsker alle en rigtig glædelig jul og et godt og lykkebringende nytår. Vi håber, at du får mulighed for at slappe af og lade batterierne op.
Symetri vækster og åbner dørene til endnu et kontor i Danmark. Kontoret vil have til huse i Aarhus på Søren Frichs Vej 38, hvor de første tre 3 medarbejdere indtager den nye lokation.