Robot Structural Analysis Professional Essentials | English

This 2-days course will introduce the novice user to the Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis system and to provide some guidance on the program configuration, menu system and navigation techniques. It will also show the many and varied methods of data input and extraction of results.

Course content for Robot Structural Analysis Professional Essentials:

Day one

  • Setup an Overview
  • Learn about Robot modules
  • View Robot screen layout
  • Learn the Basic configuration of the program
  • View different Navigation techniques
  • Methods of working with Robot interface
  • Analyze the structure
  • Results preview
  • Design elements of a structure
  • Learn about 3D Frame Structure
  • Setup a configuration of the program
  • Learn about Model Definition
  • Learn about Structure Analysis
  • View Results Preview
  • Prepare printouts

Day two

  • Learn about RC and Steel Mixed Structure
  • Configurate the program
  • Setup Model definition
  • Learn about Structure Analysis
  • View Results Preview
  • Integrate Robot Structural Analysis with Revit Structure
  • Export Revit model to Robot
  • Learn about Structure Analysis in Robot
  • Modify the Structure in Robot
  • Update Revit Model from Robot

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