Revit MEP Essentials | English

Are you design professional needing to quickly learn how to produce building services models and projects using Autodesk Revit software? Or are you trying to learn from manuals, colleagues and YouTube videos but getting nowhere fast? If so, this 3-day Revit MEP Essentials course is your opportunity to hit the ground running with Revit.

Course content for Autodesk Revit MEP Essentials:

  • Understand the Revit user interface and its basic drawing and editing tools 
  • Understand how BIM differs from traditional CAD 
  • Understand views and visibility -- the essential element of any Revit project 
  • Create sections and elevations with ease 
  • Visualise your model in 3D and review alternative designs  
  • Importing and linking architecture projects 
  • Best practices for distributing project tasks to your team 
  • Use Revit for engineering data calculations  
  • Represent the area required by each piece of mechanical equipment, and then use for analysis 
  • Use Revit's analytical model for heating/cooling load calculations 
  • Create an HVAC system, check for interference, check whether design values meet standards 
  • Create supply and return piping, adjust sizing, check piping for interferences 
  • Size plumbing based on fixture unit values, calculate for flow 
  • Model electrical systems quickly and effectively 
  • Define voltages, assign devices to circuits, track loads, and automatically create panel schedules  
  • Create callout views for increasing levels of detail 
  • Create detail views for builders, fabricators or installers 
  • Eliminate errors with schedules that automatically update  
  • Create your own reusable geometry, from diffusers to diesel generators, with intelligent connectors 

Benefits of Revit MEP Training

Describe Building Information Modelling and its benefits
Set up a new project
Learn best practices for 3D building services design
Use Revit for building performance analysis

Expected outcome

As a result of attending this training you will be able to understand Revit’s interface and terminology, set up and begin a projectanalyse your building model for performance, such as heating and cooling, create and modify ductwork, layout and create system piping, plumbing systems, fire protection systems and electrical circuits. 

After the course you will receive an official Autodesk Certificate.

Expected outcome


Kommende kursusdatoer

København S - 3 dage
Kursusansvarlig Jeanett Brosch
10.juni 2025 09:00 - 16:00
11.juni 2025 09:00 - 16:00
12.juni 2025 09:00 - 16:00
Pris 10.750 kr.

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