Successful projects with intelligent BIM solution

Spectrum Architects

Spectrum Architects in Stockholm knew right from the start that to be able to meet the demands of future customers, they had to establish a proper platform with IT, software, laptops and other equipment supporting the wide range of tasks for their new working practice – Activity-Based Workplaces.

Spectrum Architects was established in 2013 by eight innovative architects who wanted to concentrate on developing offices, specialising in concepts focusing on increased creativity, sustainability and a good work environment. They call the concept Activity-Based Workplaces. For a company like Spectrum to develop their solutions, they need to practise what they preach. They have therefore designed their own office according to the concept and ensure that everyone is at the same level when it comes to skills and expertise. 

"One of the main reasons we are still here is because we initially settled for a small office and injected all our investment into the correct, necessary licences and consultancy. […]" Mattias Sköldborg, Spectrum Architects


  • No process to keep interior projects in Revit from start to finish
  • Lack of correct solutions throughout the process
  • Support and training needed to function more efficiently together


  • Autodesk Revit and Naviate Architecture
  • Support for Revit and Naviate Architecture
  • Methodologies to mirror Spectrum’s business concept
  • Developed close network with Symetri and other customers


  • Symetri, as a trusted advisor, created security in Spectrum’s business concept
  • Users’ work aligned, thanks to the methodology that Symetri implemented
  • With Naviate Architecture and Revit, Spectrum Architects save several days of manual work
  • New inventions are created with Symetri as a close partner


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